Phoksundo Teahouse Trek -11 Days

Dolpo is the largest territorial district in Nepal. It is certainly one of the most beautiful and splendid place. The exotic sites and natural sceneries lures people all over the world , thus making it a must visit destination. Dolpo has been captured beautifully on film by the renowned director Eric Valli in his movie “Caravan”.

Dolpo’s Phoksundo Lake is regarded as one of the most scenic and beautiful natural tourist destination in Nepal. Mirroring the snowy Kanjiroba massif, the turquoise lake waters look heavenly. No wonder this lake is regarded sacred by Buddhists and followers of Bon-po religion.

The Phoksundo Teahouse Trek is Dolpo’s one and only teahouse trek. This trek is fairly easy as no high passes are involved. The trek starts from Juphal, where the only airstrip in Dolpo is located. The trail passes through wonderful Himalayan forests and picturesque traditional villages. The rivers and waterfalls on the trail are some of Nepal’s most magnificent. In addition to natural beauty, the trekking area also is rich in wildlife. One may get to see some endangered species like the snow leopard, musk deer, blue sheep, great Tibetan sheep, Himalayan tahr etc. Within the Shey Phoksundo National Park lies our destination Phoksundo Lake.

This trek is less expensive and follows a shorter route. We will be staying in tea houses or lodges throughout the trek. We shall take our meals at tea-houses. The food will be simple and nutritious. Back packers can also do this trek. The company will provide a local guide. But in case you don’t need a guide, then the company will take out the trekking permit for you for a fee. We plan your trip with a high level of efficiency , so that you may have the most memorable experience.

Outline Itinerary

Day 01:Arrival in Kathmandu
Day 02:Kathmandu to Nepalgunj/ flight
Day 03:Nepalgunj to Juphal/ (2475m) and Juphal to Dunai (2145m)/ 3 hrs Trek
Day 04:Dunai to Chhepka (2670m)/ 6-7 hrs trek
Day 05:Chhepka to Jharana Hotel/ 5-6 hrs Trek
Day 06:Jharana Hotel to Ringmo (3460m)/ 5-6 hrs Trek
Day 07:Explore around Phoksundo Lake
Day 08:Phoksundo Lake to Chhepka (2520m)/ 6-7 hrs trek
Day 09:Chhepka to Juphal
Day 10:Juphal to Nepalgunj and then take a connecting flight to Kathmandu
Day 11:Depart Kathmandu

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu

As you fly into Kathmandu, the views of snow-capped mountain peaks greet you. A representative and driver from our office will meet you at the airport and escort you to your hotel. The representative will help you check into your designated hotel. At the hotel you will be briefed about your daily activities.

Day 02: Kathmandu to Nepalgunj/ flight

In the morning you can stroll in the streets of Thamel while we arrange all your trekking documents (TIMS & National Park Permit) . Then you collect all the necessary documents from our representative and drive to the domestic section of Kathmandu airport. From Kathmandu we fly on any domestic carrier to Nepalgunj. Nepalgunj , a town in the western Terai , is very close to the Indian border and the Bardia Nationl Park. It is a major transport hub for western, mid-western and far-western regions of Nepal. Overnight at hotel or lodge.

Day 03: Nepalgunj to Juphal/ (2475m) and Juphal to Dunai (2145m)/ 3 hrs Trek

Today we take a 35 minutes long flight to Juphal- the trek starting point to Phoksundo Lake. As we begin the trek, the trail ascends southeast high above Thulo Bheri Valley followed by an hour long walk through maize fields to to reach the village of Kalagaunda. We trek by the southern bank of Bheri River and pass Roop Ghar with the water mill and finally reach the village of Dunai(2145m).Dunai is quite a big mountainous town with schools, health post, government offices, police station and tourist class lodges. We will stay overnight in one of the lodges in Dunai. Probably at Pala Guest House.

Day 04: Dunai to Chhepka (2670m)/ 6-7 hrs trek

Today we begin the trek descending down through the streets of Dunai Town to cross the bridge over Bheri River. Then we chase the northern bank of the river for an hour to reach Sulighat. Then we head north to reach Shey Phoksundo National Park Check Post. Beyond the checkpost, we gradually climb up along the rock strewn trail that lies above the serpentine Suli Ghad Khola. As the trail stretches higher through the series of hemp tree we arrive to Kageni. Further trekking through beautiful tropical forest dominated by walnut and maple trees, we begin to see the first glimpses of Tibetan culture. Savoring the views of fluttering prayer flags, floral and faunal biodiversity, cascading waterfalls and lush vegetation we arrive to the village of Shyanta 2520m. Almost ninety minutes of uphill trek from Shyanta along the narrow trail brings us to Chhepka 2670m. Overnight in a lodge at Chhepka.

Day 05: Chhepka to Jharana Hotel/ 5-6 hrs Trek

We rise early in the morning and after breakfast make our way towards Jharana hotel. The trail climbs through a forest of big cedars and on a winter settlement used by the people of Ringmo village. The route climbs steadily through open country to an elevation of 3370m. We get a close view of a spectacular 330-metre –high waterfall, the highest in Nepal and a faraway view of Phoksundo lake. We stop for the night at Jharana (waterfall) Hotel.

Day 06: Jharana Hotel to Ringmo (3460m)/ 5-6 hrs Trek

Today as we make our way to Ringmo, we make a steep descend through birch forests to the upper reaches of the Phoksundo khola. We cross a bridge and follow a trail north to the ranger station at Phoksundo Lake. We continue to the shores of the lake near the point where the Phoksundo khola(river) flows out of the lake. The final push through the Phoksundo River gully, we emerge to the yak filled meadows of Ringmo, a popular Bon Village in the region. Ringmo has few lodges/homestays, where we are going to settle down for the night.

Day 07: Explore around Phoksundo Lake

Today we explore the area around the Ringmo magnificent Phoksundo Lake. First, we explore around Ringmo Village and head to Tshowa (the lake-shore Bon Monastery). The Gompa nestling a ridge top above Phoksundo Lake was built about 900 years ago.Exploring this culturally rich Bon Monastery is fascinating experience. Then we drop down to Phoksundo Lake along steep-sided cliffs. The lake is famous for its magnificent turquoise color and spectacular scenery. Ringmo village, a typical Tibetan village, is scenic view from Phoksundo Lake. Many beautiful glaciers can be found near and above the lake area. There are many monasteries (Gompas )and Bon-po religious sites at the park and we spend our time visiting some of these. We also explore the wonderful natural sites and enjoy our nature tour.

Day 08: Phoksundo Lake to Chhepka (2520m)/ 6-7 hrs trek

After an enjoyable and insightful teahouse trek to Phoksundo Lake we trek along the retracing trail to Chhepka. We stay overnight at the hotel.

Day 09: Chhepka to Juphal

After the breakfast, we continue the trek along the retracing trail that brings us to Juphal. After 6-7 hrs of pleasant walk through culturally and naturally diverse trail we arrive to Juphal. Overnight in a lodge at Juphal.

Day 10: Juphal to Nepalgunj and then take a connecting flight to Kathmandu

Early morning, we walk to the airport in Juphal from where we fly to the airport in Nepalgunj. At Nepalgunj we board a plane that directly connects us to Kathmandu. On arriving Kathmandu, you will be transferred to your hotel. Rest of the time is free time.

Day 11: Depart Kathmandu

Today, we will escort you to Tribhuvan International Airport as per your flight schedule back home. We will see you off pleasantly. Have a safe flight back home.

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