Everest Luxury Lodges Trek-12 Days

Everest Luxury Lodges Trek-12 Days  

Everest Luxury Lodges Trek is a wonderful journey through some of the most spectacular landscapes in the Nepal Himalaya, a window into traditional life and culture of the high Sherpa villages, their Tibetan Buddhist gompas (monasteries) and their sacred peaks and valleys.

Staying in high quality lodges with visits to Sherpa villages and Buddhist monasteries. We have included two nights in Pangboche village from where you can walk to Ama Dablam Base Camp. We have been operating treks in Nepal and to the Everest region for many years and our itineraries have been carefully planned to provide extra rest and acclimatisation days to ensure you remain fit and healthy and as a reserve against bad weather.

You fly high into the Himalaya to the mountain airstrip at Lukla on a breathtakingly exciting flight on a Twin Otter plane and begin your trek in the heart of Sherpa Country, the Khumbu. The Everest region is the most famous area in Nepal and probably the entire Himalaya, as it is the centre for many mountaineering expeditions. Here the Himalayan giants from Everest to Ama Dablam tower above the Khumbu Valley, making this one of the world’s most magical and inspiring places to visit and trek

We will follow in the footsteps of famous mountaineers and trek the good trail from luxury lodge to luxury lodge through beautiful Nepalese villages with spectacular views of Mount Everest and many other peaks of the Khumbu and also have time to visit the main Sherpa villages and monasteries. You have the opportunity to trek to Base Camp of Ama Dablam which is off the beaten track and well worth the walk for its rewarding views. Sagarmatha (Everest) National Park covers the area known as Khumbu and is situated in the north-eastern region of Nepal. It is spectacular mountainous country all above 3,000 metres in altitude. Most of the park is steep and rugged with paths that traverse and wind round the hillsides, the terrain broken by deep gorges and glacial valleys, while the major valleys have some relatively level areas which are used for growing crops and grazing.

The inhabitants of the Khumbu are Sherpas, originally Tibetan migrants, arriving some four to five hundred years ago. Very little had influenced the region until 1950 when the first mountaineering expeditions arrived to conquer the world’s highest mountain, in 1953 Everest was first climbed by Edmund Hillary & Sherpa Tenzing Norgay. Nowadays trekkers as well as expedition climbers delight at the wonderful scenery, their personal pilgrimage and challenge and the ever-friendly Sherpa villages. This itinerary uses the Everest Summit Lodges “luxury (comfortable) lodges” for accommodation which are at a standard far better than anything else available in the area. The lodges provide the highest level of service with landscaped gardens, comfortable lounges and bedrooms as well as hot showers and western toilets. Where there are no Everest Summit Lodges we stay in carefully selected lodges such as Beyul Farm & Hermitage at Chuserma and at Hotel Sherpaland in Namche Bazaar. This really is a remarkable trek which will be remembered, along with the people you meet, long after you return home.

Highlights of Everest Luxury Lodges Trek

  • This itinerary is a good introduction to trekking in Nepal with a guide while staying at the high standard quality lodges of the Everest region.
  • This trek provides where, not only do you get the superb mountain views of the high Himalayan peaks of Everest, Nuptse, Lhotse and Ama Dablam, but also visit Sherpa villages and Buddhist monasteries along the way.
  • Staying two nights at Pangboche where you can walk to Ama Dablam Base Camp.
  • Included several sections off the main Everest trail exploring quieter areas of the Khumbu. On the way back from Pangboche you walk on a different trail passing through the less visited Phortse village and up to Mong La pass. From Mende Lodge you have a day walk to the picturesque village of Thame where you can visit this important monastery.
01Fly to Lukla (2,840m), trek to Chusermo (2,740m).Beyul Farm & HermitageChusermo
02Trek to Monjo (2,850m)Everest Summit Lodge.Monjo
03Trek to Namche Bazaar (3,445m).Hotel Sherpa LandNamche Bazaar
04Trek to Tashinga (3,450m)Everest Summit LodgeTashinga
05Trek to Pangboche (3,875m).Everest Summit LodgePangboche
06Day walk to Ama Dablam Base Camp (4,576m).Everest Summit LodgePangboche
07Trek to Tashinga (3,450m) via Phortse (3,810m)Everest Summit LodgeTashinga
08Trek to Mende (3,700m) via Sherpa villages of Khunde and KhumjungEverest Summit LodgeMende
09Day trek to Thame village (3,820m)Everest Summit LodgeMende
10Return to Monjo (2,850m).Everest Summit LodgeMonjo
11Return to Lukla (2,840m).Everest Summit LodgeMonjo
12Fly back to Kathmandu(1,356m).Everest Summit LodgeMonjo

Day 01 Fly to Lukla (2,840m), trek to Chusermo (2,740m)- 4 hours walking.

Our morning flight by Twin Otter aircraft takes us to Lukla, the most renowned mountain airstrip in the world. Originally conceived by Sir Edmund Hillary’s Himalayan Trust, Lukla is now one of the busiest runways in Nepal. On the flight we watch the rugged foothills give way to the snowline of the Himalaya; many of the world’s highest mountains, including Cho Oyu (8,153m), Lhotse (8,516m), Gauri Shankar (7,145m), Menlungtse (7,181m) and of course Mount Everest may sometimes be seen from the window of the plane. After an exciting landing at Lukla and a warm welcome you will meet your porters that will carry your luggage every day until you return to Lukla. Make sure you make time to get to know them and to acknowledge them even if it is through smiles and hand signs. After a cup of tea in Lukla giving the porters a chance to load up we depart Lukla on the typically stony path that descends from the forested terraces of Lukla which takes us right into the Dudh Kosi (river of milk) valley. Along the way you will pass large stones carved and painted with prayers, carved mani stones and prayer wheels which are typical of Sherpa Buddhist country. Buddhists hold these sacred and you must as a sign of respect, pass these in a clockwise direction.

After passing through the small hamlets of Chaurikharka, Cheplung and Thado Khosi we turn off the main trail at Ghat and cross a bridge over Dudh Khosi river to the west bank. After the bridge we ascend on a trail up to the lodge called the Beyul Farm and Hermitage where we stay for our first night of the trek; you will find this property offers an authentic Sherpa cultural experience. Nima uses seasonal local organic food in his cooking comes from their farm, local community gardens and surrounding villages. This property is located in a secluded and tranquil setting allowing trekkers to get away from the bustle of the main Everest trail on east bank of Dudh Khosi.

The trail from Lukla to Chuserma is moderately easy walking and follows undulating terrain. Memories of the first day will include the sounds of porters, a cacophony of different languages, and strange sounding birds, the sights of porters with loads resting on sticks (known as “dolma” in Nepalese language) outside tea houses, tired trekkers on their way back to Lukla, prayer flags, the gaudy colours of the tea houses and of course the dramatic scenery.

Overnight at Beyul Farm & Hermitage in Chusermo

Day 02. Trek to Monjo (2,850m)- 3 to 4 hours walking.

On leaving Beyul Lodge we follow the trail on the quieter east bank of Dudh Khosi for an hour and half until we re-join the main Everest trail at Zaphute. This section of trail is lovely as passes through pine forest with many birds and then onto Thulo Gumela village. A short walk above this village is an old monastery called Thaktul and is well worth a visit. After Thulo Gumela the trail descends to Zaphute to rejoin the main trail and then follows the Dudh Kosi valley north and soon there is a good view of Thamserku (6,608m). After a walk uphill and over a ridge there is a traverse high above the river to Benkar, and a little further on you cross over a suspension bridge to the east bank of the Dudh Kosi to reach the small hamlet of Monjo at the entrance to the Sagarmatha (Everest) National Park.

Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Monjo

Day 03. Trek to Namche Bazaar (3,445m)- 6 hours walking.

Today we trek into the Sherpa capital and heart of the Khumbu. You will now be becoming familiar with the local protocol for passing chortens, mani stones, yaks and spinning prayer wheels and enjoying the hustle and bustle of trekking and everyday life that exists in the Khumbu. Walking up to Namche Bazaar will be one of the harder days of the trek but we take it very easy and slowly. Walking slowly at altitude is the key to acclimatise so this will become the norm for the trek. Five minutes beyond the lodge, you enter into Everest National Park area, where entry formalities have to be completed and the scenery is stunning. We then follow the right bank of the river to where it starts to climb to the Hilary Bridge which is a tremendously impressive suspension bridge spanning a deep chasm. To reach Namche from here there is a long climb on a trail that zig zag and switchbacks up through the forest, but with a slow plod and several stops to catch our breath, we make our way steadily upward. Half way up there is a

view point which will give us our first view of Everest. We then pass through another entry point and as we traverse the hill we get our first views of the capital of the Khumbu, Namche Bazaar, which is built on the steep sides of a sloping mountain bowl. It really is an impressive sight of colourful houses and lodges and prayer flags. Namche is a busy and vibrant place as most treks

pass through here. Later in the afternoon you will be free to explore the village and

or visit the Sherpa Museum. Overnight at Hotel Sherpaland

Day 04. Trek to Tashinga (3,450m)- 4 hours walking.

This morning after a short, steep climb we leave Namche on the classic approach route to Everest which contours the hillside high above the Imja Khosi. Today’s walk continues to contour the hillside with short steep sections as it crosses over ridges.

There are spectacular views of Everest, Lhotse and Nuptse and also the beautifully shaped Ama Dablam (6,812m). Ama Dablam means ‘Mothers necklace’, the long ridges on each side like the arms of a mother protecting her child, and the hanging glacier thought of as the dablam, the traditional double-pendant containing pictures of gods worn by Sherpa women. There is no doubt that the majestic Ama Dablam is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. The lodge is located outside the village of Tashinga with views down the valley to Ama Dablam and Everest.

Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Tashinga

 Day 5 Trek to Pangboche (3,875m)- 6 to 7 hours walking.

Looking across the valley, you can see the path sloping diagonally up towards the famous monastery of Tengboche. We begin todays walk by descending down to the small hamlet of Phunki Tenga, which lies beside a tributary of the Dudh Kosi river. Here we cross a suspension bridge before beginning a climb with a steep ascent for about two hours all the way up to the monastery. This part of the trek is forested by rhododendron and pine so it is well shaded and quite cool. The setting of Tengboche monastery is nothing short of magical. It is a spectacular building and it is incredible to think that the temple was burnt down only a few years ago and re-built largely through the efforts of the Sir Edmund Hillary Trust. We will explore the surrounding area and visit the monastery.

On leaving Tengboche, your path descends through trees to Deboche where the small and atmospheric nunnery is well worth a visit. You pass further houses and ‘mani’ walls as the path continues along the river valley amongst the trees. After crossing the bridge over a picturesque gorge, the path gradually climbs, with stunning views of Ama Dablam ahead. There are numerous fantastic photo opportunities in both directions, and frequent chortens and mani walls to pass as height is gained to reach the village of Pangboche.

After arriving at the lodge, if you have time in afternoon it is well worth exploring the village. Pangboche is a photogenic with stone walled fields and in upper village there is the oldest monastery in Khumbu set among very old juniper trees.

Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Pangboche

 Day 06. Day walk to Ama Dablam Base Camp (4,576m)- 4 to 5 hours walking.

After breakfast we start the walk towards Ama Dablam Base Camp. This is an opportunity to get off the main Everest Base Camp trail and explore a quieter area in the Khumbu below one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. By walking up to Ama Dablam Base Camp this will help your acclimatisation by following the golden rule of “climbing high and sleeping low”.

For the walk to Ama Dablam Base Camp you start by crossing the Imja Drangka river on a suspension bridge, followed by a gradual ascent until Lhabarma where you are suddenly standing right in front of the mountain ridge. You can walk to its foothill and absorb the enormity of the mountain. Ama Dablam Base Camp sits at 4,576m on an open yak pasture beneath the west face, with the summit some 2,300m almost straight up above. The climbing route follows the southwest ridge – the right hand skyline as you look at it – moving onto the face above the hanging glacier three-quarters of the way up. Base Camp affords particularly fine views of Kangtega (6,783m), Thamserku (6,618m) and Taboche (6,542m).

Your trek may coincide with the main climbing season and it is more than likely that you may find climbing groups at Ama Dablam Base Camp either acclimatising or fixing the route. With a pair of binoculars it may well be possible to see climbers descending the 50/60 degree ice-slopes from the summit. After enjoying some time nat Ama Dablam Base Camp you return by the same trail back to Pangboche.

Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Pangboche

Day 07. Trek to Tashinga (3,450m) via Phortse (3,810m)- 6 to 7 hours walking.

Today we walk back down to the lodge at Tashinga via a different route passing through the less visited Phortse village. From Pangboche you take a wonderful high trail above the Imja Drengkha river. This trail undulates along the valley side and you have fabulous views across to the mountains and Tengboche perched on its ridge.

Finally, after about two to three hours, you round a corner and the isolated village of Phortse lies below you, situated in a spectacular spot on a promontory overlooking the Dudh Kosi in one direction and the Imja Drengka in the other. You continue your trek from Phortse (3,810m) towards Tashinga. Walk down to the valley and climb up towards Mong La. This part of the trek is heavily forested, look out for Danphe pheasant and musk deer. From Mong La the commanding views of the mountains are breath-taking. We then descend to our lodge in Tashinga for the evening. Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Tashinga

Day 08. Trek to Mende (3,700m) via Sherpa villages of Khunde and Khumjung- 7 hours walking.

Today you will trek by the Sherpa villages of Khumjung and Khunde, above Namche Bazaar and then up the Nangpo Dzangpo valley to the lodge at Mende. Leaving Tashinga lodge you contour on a small path to reach the main trail leading to Khumjung in approximately one hour. The path leads gently up the shallow valley and Khumjung itself is another village built into a mountain bowl.

These villages have a regular pattern of terraced fields and are overlooked by the

Sherpa holy mountain called Khumbui Yul Lha (5,761m). The village of Khunde is a short walk further on and contains the famous medical centre instigated by the Sir Edmund Hillary Trust. Take time also to visit the Edmund Hillary School in Khumjung which was the first one to be built. The path continues quite easily and, rounding a corner, you look down at the small hamlet of Tshro. You now turn off the main trail and make your way slowly up a closed valley. As you move up to the head of the valley you come to one or two lone houses and small fields and then you will cross the river pass through the small hamlet of Mende and then climb steeply up a hillside to the lodge. This is the sting in the tail at the end of the day! The lodge has a commanding position and very fine views of the surrounding mountains and once reached you will feel the effort has been well worth it. Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Mende

Day 09. Day trek to Thame village and monastery (3,820m)- 6 hours walking.

Thame valley is beautiful and is less visited by trekkers than the main trail to Everest Base Camp so it is highly recommended to do this day excursion to visit both the village and the monastery at Thame. Just half an hour walk from the lodge is an old Tibetan trade route where you may well pass some Tibetans who come over the Nangpa La to trade in Namche. This well-formed, wide path makes for a mostly easy walk all the way to the village of Thame. Today you are more than likely to see Griffin vultures and mountain goats. Before you reach the village of Thame the path descends to a bridge over a narrow fissure with water roaring below. Here there are large wall paintings of Guru Padmasambhava.The path then climbs steeply to the picturesque village of Thame with a backdrop of massive snow covered peaks. Sherpa Tenzing Norgay’s house is situated near the top of the village where he lived with his first wife. Apa Sherpa who has climbed to the summit of Mount Everest twenty one times also lives in

Thame village.

After lunch we will then walk to the monastery (3,940m) which takes about one hour and is situated above the village. The monastery is over 600 years old and is one of the four oldest in Sherpa country. The trail climbs steeply from Thame to join the ridge on which there are many hand carved mani stones. The views from this ridge are spectacular and well worth taking an opportunity to sit peacefully for a while to reflect on your trip. After visiting the temple we will return to Mende which is mostly downhill and takes several hours.

Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Mende

 Day 10. Return to Monjo (2,850m)- 6 hours walking.

Before beginning our descent back down to Monjo, we will first visit the Laudo Monastery, a 15-minute walk above Mende. The main temple is only 40 years old, it has a remarkable meditation room built beneath a huge rock, where people go on retreat for 3 years / 3 months/ 3 days. Until recently it was used as a meditation school for western Buddhist students. The friendly caretaker will be more than happy to serve butter tea and explain a little about the monastery. After our visit we will retrace our route and continue to Phurte, from here we will take the lower trail to Namche. After three hours of easy walking we will arrive at Namche Bazaar for lunch and a short time to do some shopping should you choose before making the return descent to Monjo crossing the Sir Edmund Hillary Bridge and to the Monjo lodge.

Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Monjo

 Day 11. Return to Lukla- 5 to 6 hours walking.

From Monjo we carry on the descent down the Dudh Khosi valley through the villages of Phakding, Ghat and Cheplung. At Chaurikharka we start ascending the

final hill of the trek to reach the busy village of Lukla. On getting to the lodge you can relax, look round Lukla and enjoy your last evening with your Sherpa guides and porters. Overnight at Everest Summit Lodge in Lukla

Day 12. Fly to Kathmandu. Overnight Hotel Shangri La.

If the weather is fine in Lukla then we will get a morning flight back to Kathmandu which takes 40 minutes. You will be met at the airport and transferred to our hotel in Kathmandu where you can then spend the rest of the day doing what you please.

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