Lhasa to Everest Base Camp and Namtso Lake Tour- 10 Days

Lhasa to Everest Base Camp and Namtso Lake Tour

Route – Lhasa – Gyantse – Shigatse – Mt. Everest – Namtso – Lhasa


This is the Classic tour itinerary to visit Lhasa, Everest Base camp and the holy lake Namtso Lake. If you are not used to the high altitude, then this is one of the best itineraries that cover the all the Lhasa main tourist sites like Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor street, Drepung and sera monastery with Gyantse Kumbum and Shigatse Tashi Lhunpho Monastery.

Tourists can see much natural scenery like beautiful sacred lake Yamdrok tso and karo glacier with beautiful views of Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world from Everest Base Camp. Namtso Lake is  the second largest alpine saline lake in Tibet with an altitude of  4,718 meters above sea level. Its surrealistic beauty will take your breath away in no time.

Brief Itinerary

Day Program
01Arrival in Lhasa (3650m)
02Lhasa Tour – Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street
03Lhasa Tour – Drepung monastery, Sera monastery
04Lhasa- Shigatse via Gyantse 360km(B)
05Shigatse (3900m) to Everest Base Camp(5200)
06EBC (5200m) and return to Shigatse (3900m)
07Shigatse (3900m) to Lhasa (3650m)
08Lhasa to Namtso Lake (250km, 5 hours )
09Namtso Lake to Lhasa (250km, 5 hours )
10Depart from Lhasa

 Day-by-Day-Detailed Itinerary

Day 01: Arrival in Lhasa (3650m)
When you arrive in Lhasa either by train or flight, your guide will greet you and take you to your hotel. Tourists may view the Yarlung Tsangpo River/ Bhamaputra river (the Longest and largest river in Tibet) and Lhasa river on their way to Lhasa.

After arriving in Lhasa, you can take a rest and get acclimatized to high altitude. If you feel to go out, then you can go to the Potala Square, where you will enjoy the fountain with different colors and get amazing photos of the Potala and around.
Stay overnight in Lhasa.

Day 02: Lhasa Tour – Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Street
Today’s tour will first bring you to the Potala Palace which is the winter palace of the Dalai lama. It was put to use since the 7th Century by the 33rd great king of Tibet. The most valuable collections of Potala Palace are the gilded burial stupas of former Dalai Lamas and meditation Cave of the 33rd great king of Tibet.

Then after lunch, tourists head to Jokhang temple which was founded by the 33rd great king of Tibet in the 7th century. Inside you can see the statue of Buddha Sakyamuni at the age of twelve. Outside, you can see pilgrims making prostrating in front of Jokhang Temple. Around the temple is Barkhor street, where you can do kora (a religious circle of a building or mountain) with pilgrims and locals, and explore the old market.

Besides, we can taste Tibetan tea with locals in tea house; The welcome dinner will also be arranged accordingly;
Stay overnight in Lhasa

 Day 03: Lhasa Tour – Drepung monastery, Sera monastery
In the morning ,you are going to visit Drepung monastery which is one of the “great three” Gelug monasteries of Tibet, founded in 1416 by Jamyang choge, one of the Tsongkhapa’s main disciples. You can visit biggest monastery kitchen inside the monastery and enjoy Buddhist Sculpture Carving workshop near Drepung.

In the Afternoon, Tourists will visit Sera Monastery which is another one of the “great three” Gelug monasteries of Tibet. The hot attraction is the Monks debate at around 3 – 5 in the afternoon. In addition, you can tour  the Tibetan religious scripture printing house; inside the monastery, you can see three sand Mandalas and colorful Rock Painting of Buddha.
Stay overnight in Lhasa

Day 04: Lhasa- Shigatse via Gyantse 360km
In the morning, drive from Lhasa to Shigatse .On the way, drive over the Gampala pass (4790 m), and you will have a glimpse of Yamdrok-tso (4400m) .The Lake is surrounded by many snow-capped mountains and in the distance you can have spectacular views of Holy Mount Nyenchen Khangsar, (7191m) the highest mountain near Lhasa .

Later, we will pass and enjoy the Korola Glacier on the roadside; At Manak Dam Lake, you can hang pray flag at Simila Mountain Pass; Then, we will arrive in Gyantse, historically Tibet’s third largest city (after Lhasa and Shigatse).In Gyantse, we will visit the famous Pelkor Monastery and Gyantse Kumbum and enjoy the Far view of Gyangtse Fortress.

After one and a half driving, we arrive in Shigatse, which is the second largest city in Tibet. In Shigatse,  we may visit traditional Barley Mill and view the landscape of Barley Field (in summer).
Stay overnight in Shigatse

 Day 05: Shigatse (3900m) to Everest Base Camp(5200m)
In the morning, we will visit the home of Panchan Lama – Tashilunpo Monastery. Then, we’ll leave Shigatse after getting your Alien’s travel permit, and then drive to Lhatse, it is a small town where you can have lunch.

After that, we will pass Tsola Pass(4600M), and Gyatsola Pass(5248M). Shortly after we enter Mt. Everest National Nature Reserve, tourists can enjoy the panorama of Himalaya at Gawula Pass(5198m).Then we drive along the New zigzag road to Everest Base Camp(5200m). You can get closer to gazt at the Mt. Everest peak. The sunset of golden Everest peak if time and weather permits at the lodging area.
Stay overnight at tent or Rongbuk monastery guest house.

Day 06: EBC (5200m) and return to Shigatse (3900m)
In the morning, you can see the sunrise of Everest Peak if weather permits at the lodging area. Then we will visit the Rongbu Monastery – the unique highest monastery with nuns and monks living together. You can visit the Everest Base Camp monument and take the close-up shot of Mt. Everest. Finally, we will drive back to Shigatse.
Stay overnight in Shigatse.

Day 07: Shigatse (3900m) to Lhasa (3650m)
Today, we will drive back to Lhasa by following Yalong Valley. You can stand on the viewing platform and view the vast Yalong River bed. Finally the guide will transfer you back to your hotels in Lhasa.
Stay overnight in Lhasa

Day 08: Lhasa to Namtso Lake (250km, 5 hours)
In the morning, drive from Lhasa to Lake Namtso, one of the four holy lakes of Tibet and also the highest saline lake in the world. On the way, you can see snow-capped Nyenchen Thanglha Mountain Ranges and lots of nomads and their tent with grazing yak and sheep densely-populated on the flourishing grassland ( in summer) . Besides, you can enjoy the view of Sky-Road Railway with snow mountain background; while standing at the famous Lagenla Mountain Pass(5190m), you can view the stunning vista of holy Namtso Lake.

Then we can do leisure trek around Tashi Island and enjoy sunset of Namtso. At night, we you enjoy night view of the milky way at the lake shore.
Stay overnight at Namtso Tent Guest house

Day 09: Namtso Lake to Lhasa (250km, 5 hours )
Enjoy the clear morning at the lake shore, you can trek along the lake shore to Tashi Dor Island to explore the meditation caves. Drive to Dumxung to have lunch. In the afternoon, you may enjoy Yangpachen hot spring (Optional) and have both indoor and outdoor swimming pool filled with hot springs water. Finally, head back to Lhasa.
Stay overnight in Lhasa

Day 10: Depart from Lhasa
The guide will transfer you to the airport or train station and help you get on board.

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