Australian Camp Trek-03 Days

Australian Camp Trek

Australian Camp Trek is one of the short popular trekking routes in Annapurna region. It provides a huge opportunity to explore ourselves to Himalayan glory, country villages and experience the cultural life of people living in the region. It is an easy family trek since we do not have to trek over 2000 meter elevation. It is comparatively an easier trek to embark to. Nevertheless it is quite exciting and adventurous.

Australian Camp set on the beautiful hill top offers striking views over the valleys and stunning views of the Annapurna mountain range. The trail of this trek is very picturesque, with the view of Great Mountain. The trek starts from Dhampus. From here one trek alongside beautiful views of golden rice terraces the vast expanse of the Annapurna Mountain range. In terms of climbing technicalities, it is an easy mountain to ascend. The journey to Dhampus village, one of the paradises of Nepal, begins from Phedi village, nearly a 30 minutes drive from beautiful lakeside city of Pokhara. This 2 hours climb to Dhampus continues through magnificent rhododendron forest nesting various species of birds to the village of Chandrakot, inhabited by the warm-hearted and hospitable Gurung People. During this trek, you will also have an opportunity for a close look at the daily lives of the villagers of the ethnic Gurung people.

The walk next day through forest to the Australian camp is also equally scenic. After a walk of 3 to 4 hours, we reach Australian Base Camp, located in the ridge and having an incredible view of Annapurna south, Hiunchuli, Machhapuchhre and Lamjung Himal.The camp is located in center of Dhampus Jungle. There are few comfortable lodges. Australian Camp offers great Jungle scenery and similar views of Mountains as Poonhill like Annapurna South, Fishtail, Mt Dhaulagiri, and Tukuche peak, Dhampus Peak, Nilgiri and Himchuli.We will have great mountain views of the Annapurna Range from Australian Camp.

Our last day of trek ends with descend to Sarangkot via Naundanda continuing through perfect jungle trail with birds chirping sounds. Sarangkot is a popular place for its panoramic view offering stunning sunrise view along with brilliant mountain scenery (Mt Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Machhapuchhre, Nilgiri, Lamjung Himal etc) delightful view of Pokhara valley, Fewa Lake. Especially in the night time we can enjoy the beautiful night lights of Pokhara city. The walk is pleasant and on the level ridge with open space all the way. After reaching Pokhara via Sarangkot, our trek ends here.

Highlights of Australian Camp Trek

A great impression of the Himalayas in all her magnificence.
Closest views of Fishtail, Annapurna South and Hiunchuli and chain of entire majestic Annapurna Observe rural place and people walking through picturesque village Dhampus
Inter-act with locals

Brief Itinerary

Day 01: Drive to Phedi, trek to Dhampus (1770 m.) – 2/3 hours walk.
Day 02: Australian Camp (2232 m.) – 3/ 4 hours walk.
Day 03: Trek to Sarangkot (1592 m.) and descend to Pokhara – 4/5 hours walk.

Detailed Day-by-Day itinerary

Day 01: Drive to Phedi, trek to Dhampus (1770 m.) – 2/3 hours walk.

Early in the morning drive to Phedi; the drive is about 1 hour- about 40km North West of Pokhara city. We drive through a large Tibetan camp at Hyanjha where local handicraft can be purchased and weaving of Tibetan carpet can be observed. The next village before Phedi is Suikhet. Depending upon weather, physical and logistical condition Suikhet provides alternative route to Dhampus. The road to Phedi in the YamdiKhola (river) valley is quite good.From Phedi you start climbing up hill to Dhampus (1770m). It takes about 2 hour easy walk up the stairs through the terraced rice field. It is a large Gurung village. There are several tea houses and lodge for accommodations in this village.

Day 02: Australian Camp (2232 m.) – 3/ 4 hours walk.

From Dhampus the trail climbs steadily and gradually to Pothana (1890m). The gradual uphill walk is about 2 hours.Instead of taking the main trail to Ghandrung (1951m), one of the best-known villages in the foothill of Annapurna situated above Modi Khola (river) you take the trail to Australian Camp (2232m).It is a well known name and has vantage point to see the Himalaya range all around. The trail from Pothana turns southwest to Khare (1524m) and Naun Danda (1457m). In the beginning you make a gradual uphill ascend for about 45 minutes. After spending sometime at the vantage point you continue to descend the trail to Khara (1457m); it should take about one hour easy downhill walk. Overnight at lodge Australian camp.

Day 03: Trek to Sarangkot(1592 m.) and descend to Pokhara – 4/5 hours walk.

On the last day there are two alternative trails, either you walk to Sarangkot or descend to Phedi to drive to Pokhara. The walk on the Kaski ridge from Naun Danda to Sarangkot (1592m) is pleasant. The walk is on the level ridge with open space all the way. The views of Annapurna and Machhapuchhre can be seen all along. Though the gravel road runs parallel to the trail yet it is nice to walk along the ridge. The day hike from Naun Danda to Sarangkot can take about 4 hour.Sarangkot is a popular viewpoint for tourist and local to see the surrounding view and the Himalaya. Depending upon your time from Sarangkot you can descend to Phewa Lake and take boat to Pokhara.

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